Tuesday 9 September 2008

Sarah Palin, at the pool, with a rifle?

Those Sarah Palin photos that were all over the Web on Wednesday, with the GOP frailty presidential candidate in an American flagstone bikini, brandishing a despoil and a big goggle-eyed smile that looks semi-loony given her get-up, experience been debunked on David Emery's Urban Legends blog. Emery traced the body in interrogation to a Georgia flickr user's account. Palin's head was photoshopped in.

My confrere David Sarno has already called for a ban on stories about monsters, aliens or supernatural phenomena supported only by a photo. I would like to reach out that plea to include -- at least for the clip being -- all Palin-related photo "evidence."

First we had photos of Palin looking not-pregnant used to support the theory that the Alaska governor faked being pregnant and giving birth to her 4 1/2-month-old son, Trig, to cover up for her 17-year-old daughter's actual maternity. (Which, if nothing else, attests to the degree to which "Mad Men" has entered into the cultural resourcefulness -- the

Wednesday 20 August 2008

Phase I Clinical Trial Of A Preventive AIDS Vaccine Shows Encouraging Outcome

�A irregular Phase I AIDS vaccinum clinical trial in India was successfully completed, the Indian Council of Medical Research, the National AIDS Control Organization and the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative have announced. The results of the trial of an MVA-based AIDS vaccine candidate (TBC-M4), which was conducted in Chennai, indicated that the vaccine prospect had acceptable levels of safety and was well tolerated.

The proportion of volunteers whose immune systems responded to the vaccine nominee suggests the candidate holds promise. The trial was done victimization two doses of the candidate vaccinum. After three injections, 82 percent of the volunteers who received a low dose and 100 per centum of those who received a high dose registered immune responses to the vaccine. The 100 pct response rate is greater than that seen with the legal age of AIDS vaccine candidates tested in humans to date. However the intensity level and diversity of these immune responses were modest. It may be possible to boost the immune response, if this vaccine is secondhand in combination with other candidate AIDS vaccines.

"We are pleased to see that the MVA-based candidate well-tried in Chennai was good and showed promising initial immune responses. We do not recognise whether these observed responses will ultimately translate into an effective vaccine that will assist protect individuals from HIV infection, merely hope to learn more than through further testing," aforementioned Dr. S K Bhattacharya, Additional Director General of the Indian Council of Medical Research. "India is playing a significant theatrical role in world-wide AIDS vaccinum discovery efforts given our strong medical and scientific capabilities. There is a need for continued efforts for the creation of novel, reliable mechanisms for long-term research on AIDS vaccines and other new prevention technologies."

The Phase I clinical trial was initiated in January 2006 at the Tuberculosis Research Center (TRC), an Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) institute in Chennai, and was completed in February 2008. This trial was conducted under the egis of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Government of India - through the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) - and the not-for-profit International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI). YRG CARE, based in Chennai, collaborated with TRC to marshal the residential district around the Phase I trial.

Dr. Narayanan, former Director of the Tuberculosis Research Center, added, "Consistent creation in science despite setbacks has ensured the developing of many effective prevention technologies. The successful channel of the trial in Chennai re-affirms the motivation for continued vaccine growing initiatives, where learnings from every effort will contribute to world advancement of the AIDS vaccine field."

About the Phase I MVA-based (TBC-M4) AIDS vaccine trial

The trial was a double blind, dose-escalation, randomized, placebo-controlled trial, which was initiated after receiving all necessary regulatory and ethical clearances. The objectives of such a Phase I trial are to evaluate the safety of the vaccine candidate and to assemble preliminary results of immune responses induced by the candidate. The total duration of the trial was approximately 24 months. The volunteers recruited for this trial were 32 intelligent, HIV-uninfected manpower and women between 18 and 50 years of age, from all socioeconomic strata. Three intra-muscular injections of TBC-M4 or placebo were administered to the volunteers.

Moving forward

The results of the Phase I vaccine trial of TBC-M4 propose that further research is warranted. Currently, two additional Phase I trials testing the MVA-based candidate in a prime-boost regime ar planned and under review by the relevant regime in India and approved in the UK. The trials are designed to use dissimilar modes of administration of the fuzee vaccine, different dosages and different vaccinum regimens. It is hoped that the prime-boost regimen will help to strengthen the modest immune responses observed in the Phase I visitation of the MVA-based candidate alone. Collectively, the results will assist determine whether and how to impress forward with additional testing of this MVA-based AIDS vaccine candidate.

Simultaneously, IAVI has undertaken work to change the MVA-based vaccine nominee so that it is ready for large-scale manufacturing should the trial results suggest further testing is warranted.

Fact Sheet

Phase I clinical trial- TBC M4
Was initiated in January 2006 and completed in February 2008.

The vaccine prospect, TBC-M4, is based on a vector built from recombinant Modified Vaccinia Ankara (MVA). It was designed by a biotech firm in the U.S. in collaboration with Dr. Sekhar Chakrabarty from the National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases (NICED). It targets HIV-1 subtype C, the most predominant HIV subtype in India.

A Phase I trial is the number 1 human test of a candidate vaccine for valuation of safety device, and to a lesser extent, analysis of the immune responses evoked by the vaccine, different vaccine doses and immunization schedules.

The run was conducted under the aegis of a MoU between the Government of India - through ICMR and NACO - and IAVI.

About Partners

About the National AIDS Control Organization (NACO):

NACO is the nodal organization for preparation of policy and carrying out of programmes for bar and control of HIV/AIDS in India. The boilers suit vision of the National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) is to lead and catalyze an expanded response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in order to bear the spread of infection, reduce people's vulnerability to HIV, advertize community and family-based care to HIV/AIDS cases inside an enabling environment without any branding and discrimination, and facilitate the epidemic's devastating social and economic impact.

About the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR):

The ICMR, the apex body in India for the formulation, coordination and advancement of biomedical research, having been founded in 1911, is one of the oldest medical research bodies in the world.

The Governing Body of the Council is presided over by the Union Health Minister. It is assisted in scientific and technical matters by a Scientific Advisory Board comprising eminent experts in different biomedical disciplines. The Board, in sprain, is assisted by a series of Scientific Advisory Groups, Scientific Advisory Committees, Expert Groups, Task Forces and Steering Committees, which evaluate and monitor different research activities of the Council.

About the Tuberculosis Research Centre (TRC):

TRC, headquartered in Chennai, was set up in 1955 by the ICMR to boost biomedical research in India and to complement the National Tuberculosis Control Programme. In recent days, TRC has been extensively involved in HIV research. The institution has unmatchable of India's best and most experient multidisciplinary teams of scientists and one of the best-equipped laboratories for HIV/AIDS and t.B. research.

About the Y R Gaitonde Centre for AIDS Research and Education (YRG Care):

YRG Care is a non-profit HIV referral and research middle in Chennai. The nub was founded in 1993 by Dr. Suniti Solomon M.D., wHO documented the first evidence of HIV infection in India. YRG CARE is a widely recognized modelling of AIDS care and support services. YRG CARE has established a comprehensive chopine for HIV diagnostic, science laboratory and clinical facilities that are alone in the country. The centre has developed an extensive network of local, national and international collaborators. The centre has a commendable track record in excellence in program effectuation and research.

About the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI):

IAVI is a global nonprofit organization organization whose mission is to ascertain the evolution of safe, effective, accessible, preventive HIV vaccines for use passim the world. Founded in 1996 and operational in 24 countries, IAVI and its network of collaborators research and develop vaccinum candidates. IAVI's financial and in-kind supporters include the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health, The John D. Evans Foundation, The New York Community Trust, the James B. Pendleton Charitable Trust, The Rockefeller Foundation, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation; the Governments of Canada, Denmark, Ireland, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States, the Basque Autonomous Government as well as the European Union; many-sided organizations such as The World Bank; corporate donors including BD (Becton, Dickinson & Co.), Bristol-Myers Squibb, Continental Airlines, Google Inc., Henry Schein, Inc., Merck & Co., Inc. and Pfizer Inc; leading AIDS charities such as Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS and Until There's A Cure Foundation; other private donors such as The Haas Trusts; and many generous individuals from around the world. For more info, see http://www.iavi.org/.

For further information, please visit the IAVI India website - hTTP://www.iavi.org.in/

Source: Lisa Beyer

International AIDS Vaccine Initiative

More information

Sunday 10 August 2008

George Craig criticises Scouting For Girls

One Night Only frontman George Craig has blamed Scottish festival bosses for choosing Scouting For Girls as headliners.

The singer claimed that his band would have been a far better choice to top the measure at the Belladrum Tartan Heart festival, which takes place in Inverness this weekend.

Craig, whose band is known for their tracks 'Just For Tonight' and 'It's About Time', claimed that he cannot recount the difference between Scouting For Girls' hit singles.

"It's a good festival, merely we should be headlining over Scouting For Girls, who I noticed ar playing," Craig told the Daily Record. "It would be good for us to top the eyeshade. Maybe Scotland has thousands more citizenry who love Scouting For Girls only we ar a much better band.

"If the people in Scotland think we are one of their favourite bands from England, I'm non worried around what Scouting For Girls think."

Commenting on the band's tracks 'Elvis Ain't Dead', 'She's So Lovely' and 'Heartbeat', he added: "We should be headlining because Scouting For Girls write good bug out songs and do truly well. But they simply write hits and it sounds like they are writing the same birdcall over and over. They're a good band and nice guys, but it's not my thing."

More information

Tuesday 1 July 2008

Yves Montand

Yves Montand   
Artist: Yves Montand



Les 100 Plus Belles Chansons d'Yves Montand CD5   
 Les 100 Plus Belles Chansons d'Yves Montand CD5

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 20

Les 100 Plus Belles Chansons d'Yves Montand CD4   
 Les 100 Plus Belles Chansons d'Yves Montand CD4

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 20

Les 100 Plus Belles Chansons d'Yves Montand CD3   
 Les 100 Plus Belles Chansons d'Yves Montand CD3

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 20

Les 100 Plus Belles Chansons d'Yves Montand CD2   
 Les 100 Plus Belles Chansons d'Yves Montand CD2

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 20

Les 100 Plus Belles Chansons d'Yves Montand CD1   
 Les 100 Plus Belles Chansons d'Yves Montand CD1

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 20

Ses Plus Grands Succes   
 Ses Plus Grands Succes

   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 25

La Bicyclette   
 La Bicyclette

   Year: 1998   
Tracks: 24

Montand CD2   
 Montand CD2

   Year: 1995   
Tracks: 24

Montand CD1   
 Montand CD1

   Year: 1995   
Tracks: 23

Yves Montand: 36 Titres (cd2)   
 Yves Montand: 36 Titres (cd2)

   Year: 1994   
Tracks: 18

Yves Montand: 36 Titres (cd1)   
 Yves Montand: 36 Titres (cd1)

   Year: 1994   
Tracks: 18

Yves Montand CD2   
 Yves Montand CD2

   Year: 1994   
Tracks: 18

Yves Montand CD1   
 Yves Montand CD1

   Year: 1994   
Tracks: 18

Montand D'hier Et D'aujourd'hui   
 Montand D'hier Et D'aujourd'hui

   Year: 1980   
Tracks: 14

Concert A Moscou   
 Concert A Moscou

   Year: 1956   
Tracks: 16

Montand (Live)   
 Montand (Live)

   Year: 1953   
Tracks: 24

Olympia Complet 47 Titres (cd2)   
 Olympia Complet 47 Titres (cd2)

Tracks: 24

Olympia Complet 47 Titres (cd1)   
 Olympia Complet 47 Titres (cd1)

Tracks: 23

Yves Montand was an hugely popular singer in France, his adopted nation, from the forties until his death. He also gave concerts about the world, just he was better-known internationally as an role player.

Montand was innate Ivo Livi on October 13, 1921, in the small town of Monsummano Alto in the Tuscany region of Italy near Florence. He was the youngest of trey children of Giovanni Livi, a broom maker, and Giuseppina (Simoni) Livi. His father-God was involved with the Communist Party, and in May 1924 the family was constrained to move to France to escape political persecution from the Fascists light-emitting diode by Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. They settled in Marseilles and became naturalized French citizens in 1929. At 11, Montand dropped kO'd of school to help support his category during the Depression by working in a attic manufacturing plant. He left that job iI years later and began working in a hair beauty shop run by his aged sister; finally he passed the essay for his barber's permit and got a job in another salon. But in September 1938, at age 16, he first base panax quinquefolius at an amateur point, and he soon began fashioning professional appearances. Recalling his mother's shout out to come home to the family's second-floor abidance for dinner, "Ivo, montes!" ("Ivo, come on up!"), which, in her Italian-accented French sounded like "Ivo, monta!," he adopted the stage name Yves Montand.

Montand's singing career was short-circuited by the set out of World War II in September 1939. In 1940, he worked in the Marseilles shipyards as Germany overran northerly France; he was not able to regress to singing until the springtime of 1941 under the German occupation. That fall, he first base headlined his possess vaudeville point in Nice, and he had his first base covert coming into court as an extra in La Prière aux Etoiles (Orison to the Stars), shot in January 1942. But from March to October 1942, he had to process in a youth labor camp, as were all 20-year-old French males at the time. In February 1944, fearing that he would be forced to turn for the Nazis, he left wing Marseilles and touched to Paris, where he began performing once again. In July 1944, he was set-aside to open for Edith Piaf at the Moulin Rouge. The deuce became a yoke, and with France existence liberated by the Allies, they toured the land in the fall and in the bound of 1945. Montand was then minded his low gear credited use in a moving-picture show, tattle deuce of his phase favorites, "Luna Park" and "Les Plaines du Far West," in Silence ... Antenne (You're on the Air!). He too took a small part in Etoile Sans Lumière (Star Without Light), a celluloid starring Piaf that opened in April 1946. Starting on October 5, 1946, he headlined at the Etoile dramatic art in Paris for vII weeks; during this stop, he and Piaf bust up. Director Marcel Carné's Les Portes de la Nuit (William Henry Gates of the Night), Montand's first-class honours degree film in which he had the leading use, opened on December 4, simply was unwell received.

Meanwhile, however, he had signed to Odéon Records, which began issuance his recordings. He did non stimulate another film use for more than a year, when L'Idole appeared in February 1948, and his subsequent appearances in such low-budget films of the early 1950s as Paris Chante Toujours (Capital of France Always Sings), Capital of France Sera Toujours Paris (Capital of France Will Always Be Paris), Souvenirs Perdus (Lost Souvenirs), and L'Auberge Rouge employed his talents more as a singer than as an thespian. They helped to raise his status as a stage performing artist. On March 5, 1951, he began a four-month run at the Etoile in which he appeared for the first-class honours degree time in a "one-person show," (i.e., without whatever encouraging acts on the measure). That summertime, he began what sour extinct to be a long spud on Henri-Georges Clouzot's Le Salaire de la Peur (The Wages of Fear), a dramatic play in which he played a hand truck device driver hired to tape drive glyceryl trinitrate to stoppage an oil well fire. When it finally appeared in the spring of 1953 (it open in the U.S. in 1955), it was an tremendous success, taking the luxurious booty at the Cannes Film Festival and finally establishing Montand as a sober doer.

Nonetheless, vocalizing remained his first-class honours degree precedence. On December 21, 1951, he married the actress Simone Signoret; deuce weeks later, he was off on a turn that included France, Switzerland, and Belgium. He made some other cinema, Tempi Nostri (The Anatomy of Love) in 1953, simply devoted much more than metre to singing. On October 5, he opened at the Etoile, where he performed until April 4, 1954, marketing intimately 200,000 tickets. During the run, Odéon presented him with a gold track record marking sales of one jillion copies of "Les Feuilles Mortes" ("Autumn Leaves"), a remarkable achievement in the relatively small French track record market. (He subsequently switched to Philips Records.) In 1954, he turned to the lawful stage, co-starring with Signoret in a French adaptation of Arthur Miller's play The Crucible in Paris entitled Les Sorcières de Salem. The play ran through and through 1955, and a film version was made. This further enhanced Montand's report as an actor, and he appeared in more movies in the mid '50s. But he likewise found time in 1956-1957 to spell the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, a trip that began to open his eyes around caesarism.

After more than photographic film work in 1957 and 1958, Montand launched a major concert tour in September 1958 that began with some preliminary performances ahead subsidence into the Elysée music charles Francis Hall in Paris for five months, a track down that continued until March 8, 1959, playing one hundred sixty performances ahead cc,000 fans. In December 1958, Montand was approached by American impresario and track record company executive Norman Granz, wHO wanted to play him to America. Previously, the anti-Communist McCarthy Era in the U.S. would possess prevented Montand from obtaining a visa. (Although he himself was non a member of the Communist Party, he was sympathetic to its aims, and his older brother was an official of the party in France.) By the recent 1950s, however, this situation was moderation in the U.S., and Granz was able-bodied to develop Montand a visa and book a tour. Prior to that, in the bounce and summer of 1959, he toured Europe and performed in Israel. But on September 22, 1959, An Evening With Yves Montand opened at Henry Miller's Theater on Broadway to positive reviews. The show played 42 performances, and so Montand appeared in Montreal, Toronto, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. His tardy breakthrough in the U.S. and the well-disposed notices it attracted lED to a flurry of stateside record releases of material previous and new. Columbia Records brought out One Man Show earlier the end of the year and in 1960 released both An Evening With Yves Montand and Grandes Chansons. The like year, Monitor Records issued Yves Montand & His Songs of Paris, and Granz's Verve label had Aimez-Vous Yves?

Meanwhile, Montand was forced to hold over a Japanese tour when he received an extend from twentieth Century-Fox to co-star opposite Marilyn Monroe in the picture musical Let's Make Love. He shot the picture in the winter and give of 1960 (as well piquant in a much-gossiped-about affaire with Monroe), and had iI singing performances, "Incurably Romantic" and the title birdsong, both featured on the original soundtrack record album released by Columbia. He continued what mightiness be called the American phase of his career by apace shooting a series of Hollywood films, Sanctuary, Cheerio Again, and My Geisha, in 1960-61, and on October 24, 1961, returned to Broadway for 55 performances of his musical act earlier moving on to Japan and England in early 1962 and opening night once more at the Etoile in Paris in November 1962. (Meanwhile, in America, Columbia released More Yves Montand and Verve countered with On Broadway.)

Just, spell his efforts onstage and earlier the cameras in the U.S. in 1959-61 expanded Montand's international repute, they did not make him a star in the U.S. His concert audience was a sophisticated one interested in hearing songs sung dynasty in French, just his records did not get to the charts. And on picture he remained an exotic world Health Organization had knowing his lines in English phonetically. So, he returned to working primarily in Europe. After his Paris performances, he also, for the first base time, turned in the first place to filmmaking, relegating his vocalizing calling to unmatchable of episodic comeback shows for the rest of his life. (Meanwhile, Philips issued Yves Montand Recital Paris, 1963 in the U.S. in 1963, and Columbia had Yves Montand, Paris in 1964, just thereafter his American record releases were few.) The first of those comebacks consisted of 33 shows performed in Paris in the fall of 1968, after which Montand formally announced his retirement from concertizing.

For the perch of the 1960s and in the 1970s, Montand worked oftentimes in picture. His most far-famed performances included a series of political dramas made with music director Constantin Costa-Gavras, Z (1969, the Academy Award-winning Best Foreign Film and a Best Picture campaigner), The Confession (1970), and State of Siege (1973), films that condemned oppressive acts of the Apostles carried prohibited by both right wing dictatorships and Communist regimes. Montand did find time for one more Hollywood picture musical, stellar opposite Barbra Streisand in an adaption of the Broadway demonstrate On a Clear Day You Can See Forever (1970), directed by Vincente Minnelli. He sang the title song with Streisand and soloed on "Melinda" and "Come Back to Me" in the photographic film and on the original soundtrack record album released by Columbia, which dog-tired near half a dozen months in the charts, only was a modest seller by Streisand's standards.

In 1974, in the stir up of the previous year's military takeover in Chile, Montand performed a welfare testify for Chilean refugees, his number one hot singing in vI years and his only such process of the 10. But at the take up of the eighties, he rescinded his retirement from the stage, and from October 7, 1981, to January 3, 1982, he played to sold-out houses at the Olympia dramatic art in Paris, followed by 48 shows around the country earlier continuing on to North and South America and Japan, the entire enlistment permanent more than than a year. He worked less frequently in film in the 1980s, his almost notable performances being in Claude Berri's Dungaree de Florette and its continuation Manon of the Spring in 1986. In the indorsement half of the eighties, he was oft mentioned as a possible presidential prospect in France, simply he declined to scat. He did, however, whistle a few songs on a television system programme propagate during the conjecture, Montand at Home, in December 1987. And he was invited to visit Poland during that country's number one release elections in the spring of 1989, obliging by singing "Les Feuilles Mortes." In June 1990, he gave a few final performances at the Olympia in Paris. He continued to do occasional films, complementary his final one, IP5: The Island of Pachyderms, exactly prior to his death from a bosom attack at age 70 in November 1991.

Although remote France he is viewed largely as a film star, Montand occupies an important stead as a postwar French popular singer world Health Organization followed Charles Trenet and Maurice Chevalier with an earthier, more direct expressive style wHO awaited such straightaway following as Jacques Brel and fifty-fifty the rock & flap geological era. Largely because of the speech communication barrier, his invoke as a isaac M. Singer was restricted mostly to his own land, simply there it was mammoth and continued without diminution passim his life sentence.

Thursday 19 June 2008

If it's Thursday, it must mean a matinee for Broadway's 'A Catered Affair'

NEW YORK - Weekly performances schedules don't vary much from Broadway show to Broadway show. But now "A Catered Affair" is doing something a little different - adding a Thursday matinee to accommodate a demand for the musical's afternoon performances.

According to star and author Harvey Fierstein, "A Catered Affair" has played to near capacity at every matinee since beginning performances March 25 at the Walter Kerr Theatre. So "A Catered Affair" will start Thursday 2 p.m. matinees on July 3 and eliminate Wednesday evening performances.

The musical, which has a book by Fierstein and a score by John Bucchino, concerns a family's tribulations as the daughter plans her wedding and the strains on her parents' relationship get worse. Besides Fierstein, the musical stars Faith Prince as the mother and Tom Wopat as the father. The incipient bride and groom are played by Leslie Kritzer and Matt Cavenaugh.

"We have a show that treats the subject of marriage and family in a funny and heartbreaking way not to be found in any other show around and the matinee ladies - the backbone of Broadway - have found their way to our theatre," Fierstein said.


On the Net: www.acateredaffaironbroadway.com.

See Also

Tuesday 10 June 2008

The Apprentice - Lucinda Fired To Set Up Four-way Final On The Apprentice

Lucinda Ledgerwood has become the latest contestant fired from The Apprentice after being dubbed "too zany" by Sir Alan Sugar.

The risk analyst was shown the door following the interview stage of the competition, after enduring a grilling from Sir Alan's business friends such as Karen Brady and Paul Kemsley.

And with the 32-year-old having failed to impress the interviewers or the Amstrad boss, she became the 12th contestant fired, setting up a four-way final next week.

"Interestingly enough, your colleagues said you were very good, yet it seems that when you're not in charge it falls apart," Sir Alan told her while passing judgement in the boardroom.

"In my company I'd be in charge. Are you going to fall apart or be despondent?"

And with that Ledgerwood, famed for her colourful outfits on the show, was given the boot, leaving Lee McQueen, Alex Wotherspoon, Claire Young and Helene Speight to fight it out in next week's final for the £100,000 prize.

"I'm going to let you all stay," Sir Alan explained, after criticising Young's abrasiveness, Speight and Wotherspoon's failure to show their best qualities and McQueen's fudging of details on his CV.

"The reason is because you're all very good candidates," he added.

"You've all got something about you. All four of you are in the final."

In her exit interview with the BBC, Ledgerwood picked McQueen as her favourite to win.

"He's got a wee bit of work to do and he's aware of that," she continued.

"He's wonderful to work with. We got on well on the ice cream task, and in Marrakesh, and the wedding task.

"We worked beautifully till Alex came along and then it went wrong," she added.

05/06/2008 08:34:01

See Also

Wednesday 4 June 2008

Wendy O. Williams and Plasmatics

Wendy O. Williams and Plasmatics   
Artist: Wendy O. Williams and Plasmatics



Put Your Love In Me: Love Songs For The Apocalypse   
 Put Your Love In Me: Love Songs For The Apocalypse

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 11