Tuesday 9 September 2008

Sarah Palin, at the pool, with a rifle?

Those Sarah Palin photos that were all over the Web on Wednesday, with the GOP frailty presidential candidate in an American flagstone bikini, brandishing a despoil and a big goggle-eyed smile that looks semi-loony given her get-up, experience been debunked on David Emery's Urban Legends blog. Emery traced the body in interrogation to a Georgia flickr user's account. Palin's head was photoshopped in.

My confrere David Sarno has already called for a ban on stories about monsters, aliens or supernatural phenomena supported only by a photo. I would like to reach out that plea to include -- at least for the clip being -- all Palin-related photo "evidence."

First we had photos of Palin looking not-pregnant used to support the theory that the Alaska governor faked being pregnant and giving birth to her 4 1/2-month-old son, Trig, to cover up for her 17-year-old daughter's actual maternity. (Which, if nothing else, attests to the degree to which "Mad Men" has entered into the cultural resourcefulness -- the